Thursday, March 19, 2015

April RS Activity

We hope to see you at the next activity in April.  Please come and join us.

In thinking ahead....way ahead.  We are planning a service project and making blessing bags for the homeless later in the year.  Start saving and collecting the following items:
-travel size bottles of shampoo and conditioner
-soap bars/body wash
-travel size toothpaste
-tube socks
-small packs of gum
-hard candy

If you or your husband travels, have them start collecting the hotel shampoo/conditioners/ect...

Friday, January 30, 2015

February Activity

There will be 2 classes offered and you pick which one to go to. Come out a learn something new!

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

New Year=New Activities

We are in the middle of planning the year of activities.  Please be on the look out for what's coming.  There is no RS activity for next week.
Remember the ward's Linger Longer this Sunday after church.  
Have a great week!!